Sunday, April 08, 2007

Battle wounds.

We took Emma for her 1 year appointment with Dr. Barker. Would you believe she only gained 1 pound and according to the doctor, she has not grown. Well, we are certain they measured her wrong the last time we were in. Because her pants do not drag on the ground and her dresses show her bum a little too much.

Emma is doing so well. Dr. Barker said she could start drinking whole milk once she finishes the formula we have. The next time we see the Doc, Emma has to know 3 body parts. So the next time you see her be sure to ask about her nose, ears, mouth and eyes.

Today she had another round of shots. Four to be exact. But as you can see, she is felling fine.

It's my party and I'll cry if I want to...

Getting ready for my party!

Corina bringing me into the kitchen to eat pizza.

Smell the flowers Lily, they are beautiful.

Oh my gosh, all these presents. Which one will I play with first.
I just love ripping the paper and I'm really good at this.

Lily and I playing with the Leap Frog Learn and Groove. Thanks Lewis's!

Daddy, I cannot open the present right now, I have to take an important call...

Is this what I am suppose to do???

I'm so tired. Can my party be over now?

Thanks for all the gifts! I have been playing with everything.

Play date.

Yea! Play time!

Lily, our neighbor, sharing baby gold fish with me.

Uh Oh! (my new word) You spilled the gold fish.

Let's pick them up together.

International Biddy Basketball Tourney

The 13 year old International Biddy Basketball Tournament was held in Wichita. Tyree, our cousin played on an All-Star team.

Emma cheering Tyree on.

All tuckered out.

One last load...

We had some helpers...
