Saturday, February 17, 2007

The 36 Hour Day, Home At Last!!

We made it!! After a 90 minute delay in Chicago we touched down in Wichita at about 6:30 pm our time after leaving at 4:30 am China time, which made our travel time almost exactly 24 hours to the minute. With the time change and the 14 hour flight the "day" for us turned out to be about 36 hours long by the time we went to bed.

Sleeping was another story last night. We are mostly tired and ready for sleep but our stomachs and other parts seem to be on a different schedules right now.

Emma, the first night in her new home, slept for about 4 1/2 hours and was up and fussy from about 2 am on until we got around this morning at about 6:45. Long night to say the least. Come to find out she has a pretty good cold and was beginning to run a fever. It didn't break until around noon today and when it was gone the Emma we know was back and smiling.

Jake had a fun time last night; we took him to his last basketball game and he had a great time seeing his teammates for the game. It was a surprise to most of the team and parents that we were there, but Jake wanted to go and he had been talking about playing for the entire trip. It was hard to ignore basketball because Yao Ming was on every advertisement in China. He did great and had the best time just being with his friends and being a kid having fun. When he did go to bed he was up at about 2:30 with Emma but only because he couldn't sleep anymore. 2:30 am to him was really 4:30 pm in the afternoon in China so he was really supposed to be up. He was really good, just reading his new book for an hour or so and still trying to rest a little but at around 6:00 got up for good and watched some cartoons that he could understand. We tried watching cartoons over there but it was hard. Later in the morning we got him some pancakes like he had been asking for for almost 2 weeks, since Beijing. Today he also had baseball practice and did very well. Once again great to see his friends and teammates and have some fun.

We had a few visitors today to welcome us home and help us get some things we needed for Emma. It was great to see our friends and family and for those of you we have not seen or heard from we can't wait for you to meet Emma. Give us a call and come on over. We would love to hear from all of you.

Lastly, thanks again for all of you checking out our adventures. We may not be posting quite as often for a little while as we get back to normal. Thanks again and give us a call or drop a note on e-mail, we would love to hear from all of you.

Just a note, I know some of you are having trouble posting comments. We are working on an answer. Fellow bloggers if you have any suggestions let us know. Thanks again. See you all soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Scott, Jill, Jake and Emma,

I finally got a computer again so I can be in contact with the world.
Grandma Anna is doing good. (Although today she seemed a bit out of it). She always knows us when we go in to see her. She asked me last week where Dad was. Oh my, I wasn't prepared to answer her. God gave me the strength to tell her that Dad is in heaven. I told her she is left on earth to carry on for her family. She said,"I've got a great family". I told her she was right.
We've taken her to your blogspot to show her pictures of Emma and I've read some of your mail to her. Mom thinks Emma is a cutie pie. Which we all agree.
Mary has made Mom a red hat so she can have fun wearing it at the manor.
Love you guys,
Auntie Virginia